If you have a large collection of data and have to do similar computations on each element, data parallelism is an easy way to speedup computation using multiple CPUs and machines as well as GPU(s). While this is not the only kind of parallelism, it covers a vast class of compute-intensive programs. A major hurdle for using data parallelism is that you need to unlearn some habits useful in sequential computation (i.e., patterns result in mutations of data structure). In particular, it is important to use libraries that help you describe what to compute rather than how to compute. Practically, it means to use generalized form of map and reduce operations and learn how to express your computation in terms of them. Luckily, if you already know how to write iterator comprehensions, there is not much more to learn for accessing a large class of data parallel computations.
This introduction primary focuses on the Julia packages that I (Takafumi Arakaki @tkf
) have developed. As a result, it currently focuses on thread-based parallelism. There is a simple distributed computing support and a preliminary GPU support with FoldsCUDA.jl. See also other parallel-computation libraries in Julia.
Also note that this introduction does not discuss how to use threading primitives such as Threads.@spawn
since it is too low-level and error-prone. For data parallelism, a higher-level description is much more appropriate. It also helps you write more reusable code; e.g., using the same code for single-threaded, multi-threaded, and distributed computing.
and librariesMost of the examples here may work in all Julia 1.x releases. However, for the best result, it is highly recommended to get the latest released version (1.5.2 as of writing). You can download it at https://julialang.org/.
Once you get julia
, you can get the dependencies required for this tutorial by running using Pkg; Pkg.add(["Transducers", "Folds", "OnlineStats", "FLoops", "MicroCollections", "BangBang", "Plots", "BenchmarkTools"])
in Julia REPL.
If you prefer using exactly the same environment used for testing this tutorial, run the following commands
git clone https://github.com/JuliaFolds/data-parallelism
cd data-parallelism
julia --project
and then in the Julia REPL:
julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.instantiate()
To use multi-threading in Julia, you need to start it with multiple execution threads. If you have Julia 1.5 or higher, you can start it with the -t auto
(or, equivalently, --threads auto
) option:
$ julia -t auto
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.5.2 (2020-09-23)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official https://julialang.org/ release
|__/ |
julia> Threads.nthreads() # number of core you have
The command line option -t
can also take the number of threads to be used. In older Julia releases, use the JULIA_NUM_THREADS
environment variable. For example, on Linux and macOS, JULIA_NUM_THREADS=4 julia
starts juila
with 4 execution threads.
For more information, see Starting Julia with multiple threads in the Julia manual.
with multiple worker processesA few examples below mention Distributed.jl-based parallelism. Like how multi-threading is setup, you need to setup multiple worker processes to get speedup. You can start julia
with -p auto
(or, equivalently, --procs auto
). Distributed.jl also lets you add worker processes after starting Julia with addprocs
using Distributed
For more information, see Starting and managing worker processes section in the Julia manual.
Mapping is probably the most frequently used function in data parallelism. Recall how Julia's sequential map
a1 = map(string, 1:9, 'a':'i')
9-element Vector{String}:
We can simply replace it with Folds.map
for thread-based parallelism (see also other libraries):
using Folds
a2 = Folds.map(string, 1:9, 'a':'i')
@assert a1 == a2
Julia's standard library Distributed.jl contains pmap
as a distributed version of map
using Distributed
a3 = pmap(string, 1:9, 'a':'i')
@assert a1 == a3
using Test
@testset begin
@test a1 == a2
@test a1 == a3
Test Summary: | Pass Total
test set | 2 2
and 'a':'i'
) are too small for multi-threading to be useful. In this tutorial, almost all examples except "Practical example" are toy examples that are designed to demonstrate how the functions work. It is an "exercise" for the reader to try a larger input sizes and see on what size multi-threading becomes useful.As a slightly more "practical" example, let's play with the Collatz conjecture which states that recursive application the Collatz function defined as
collatz(x) =
if iseven(x)
x รท 2
3x + 1
reaches the number 1 for all positive integers.
I'll skip the mathematical background of it (as I don't know much about it) but let me mention that there are plenty of fun-to-watch explanations in YouTube :)
If the conjecture is correct, the number of iteration required for the initial value is finite. In Julia, we can calculate it with
function collatz_stopping_time(x)
n = 0
while true
x == 1 && return n
n += 1
x = collatz(x)
Just for fun, let's plot the stopping time of the initial values from 1 to 10,000:
using Plots
plt = scatter(
map(collatz_stopping_time, 1:10_000),
xlabel = "Initial value",
ylabel = "Stopping time",
label = "",
markercolor = 1,
markerstrokecolor = 1,
markersize = 3,
size = (450, 300),
We can easily parallelize map(collatz_stopping_time, 1:10_000)
and get a good speedup:
julia> Threads.nthreads() # I started `julia` with `-t 4`
julia> using BenchmarkTools
julia> @btime map(collatz_stopping_time, 1:100_000);
18.116 ms (2 allocations: 781.33 KiB)
julia> @btime Folds.map(collatz_stopping_time, 1:100_000);
5.391 ms (1665 allocations: 7.09 MiB)
Julia's iterator comprehension syntax is a powerful tool for composing mapping, filtering, and flattening. Recall that mapping can be written as an array or iterator comprehension:
b1 = map(x -> x + 1, 1:3)
b2 = [x + 1 for x in 1:3] # array comprehension
b3 = collect(x + 1 for x in 1:3) # iterator comprehension
@assert b1 == b2 == b3
3-element Vector{Int64}:
The iterator comprehension can be executed with threads by using Folds.collect
b4 = Folds.collect(x + 1 for x in 1:3)
@assert b1 == b4
using Test
@testset begin
@test b1 == b2 == b3
Test Summary: | Pass Total
test set | 1 1
Note that more complex composition of mapping, filtering, and flattening can also be executed in parallel:
c1 = Folds.collect(y for x in 1:3 if isodd(x) for y in 1:x)
4-element Vector{Int64}:
is for using iterator comprehensions with a distributed backend:
using Transducers
c2 = dcollect(y for x in 1:3 if isodd(x) for y in 1:x)
@assert c1 == c2
@test c1 == c2 == [1, 1, 2, 3]
Functions such as sum
, prod
, maximum
, and all
are the examples of reduction (aka fold)[1] that can be parallelized. They are very powerful tools when combined with iterator comprehensions. Using Folds.jl, a sum of an iterator created by the comprehension syntax
d1 = sum(x + 1 for x in 1:3)
can easily be parallelized by
d2 = Folds.sum(x + 1 for x in 1:3)
@test d1 == d2
For the full list of pre-defined reductions and other parallelized functions, type Folds.
and press TAB in the REPL.
[1] | map and collect are also fold.
We can use maximum
to compute the maximum stopping time of Collatz function on a given the range of initial values
max_time = Folds.maximum(collatz_stopping_time, 1:100_000)
@test max_time == 350
We get a speedup similar to the map
example above:
julia> @btime maximum(collatz_stopping_time, 1:100_000)
17.625 ms (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
julia> @btime Folds.maximum(collatz_stopping_time, 1:100_000)
5.024 ms (1214 allocations: 69.17 KiB)
OnlineStats.jl provides a very rich and composable set of reductions. You can pass it as the first argument to Folds.reduce
using OnlineStats: Mean
e1 = Folds.reduce(Mean(), 1:10)
Mean: n=10 | value=5.5
using Test, OnlineStats; @test e1 == fit!(Mean(), 1:10)
For non-trivial parallel computations, you need to write a custom reduction. FLoops.jl provides a concise set of syntax for writing custom reductions. For example, this is how to compute sums of two quantities in one sweep:
using FLoops
@floop for (x, y) in zip(1:3, 1:2:6)
a = x + y
b = x - y
@reduce(s += a, t += b)
(s, t)
(15, -3)
@test (s, t) == (15, -3)
In this example, we do not initialize s
and t
; but it is not a typo. In parallel sum, the only reasonable value of the initial state of the accumulators like s
and t
is zero. So, @reduce(s += a, t
+= b)
works as if s
and t
are initialized to appropriate type of zero. However, since there are many zeros in Julia (0::Int
, 0.0::Float64
, (0x00 + 0x00im)::Complex{UInt8}
, ...), s
and t
are undefined if the input collection (i.e., the value of xs
in for
x in xs
) is empty.
To control the type of the accumulators and also to avoid UndefVarError
in the empty case, you can set the initial value with accumulator = initial_value op input
@floop for (x, y) in zip(1:3, 1:2:6)
a = x + y
b = x - y
@reduce(s2 = 0.0 + a, t2 = 0im + b)
(s2, t2)
(15.0, -3 + 0im)
@test (s2, t2) === (15.0, -3 + 0im)
To understand the computation of @floop
with @reduce(accumulator =
initial_value op input)
syntax, you can get a rough idea by just ignoring @reduce(
and corresponding ,
s and )
. More concretely:
Extract expressions accumulator = initial_value
("initializers") from accumulator = initial_value op input
and put them in front of the for
Convert accumulator = initial_value op input
to inplace update accumulator = accumulator op input
Strip off @reduce
So, the above example of @floop
is equivalent to
s2 = 0.0 # initializer
t2 = 0im # initializer
for (x, y) in zip(1:3, 1:2:6)
a = x + y
b = x - y
s2 = s2 + a # converted from `s2 = 0.0 + a` in `@reduce`
t2 = t2 + b # converted from `t2 = 0im + b` in `@reduce`
end # \
(s2, t2) # `- the first arguments are now same as the left hand sides
(15.0, -3 + 0im)
@test (s3, t3) === (s2, t2)
The short-hand version @reduce(s += a, t += b)
is implemented by using the first element of the input collection as the initial value.
This transformation is used for generating the base case that is executed in a single Task
. Multiple results from tasks are combined by the operators and functions specified by @reduce
. More explicitly, (s2_right, t2_right)
is combined into (s2_left,
s2_left = s2_left + s2_right
t2_left = t2_left + t2_right
Don't use locks or atomics! (unless you know what you are doing)
In particular, do not write
acc = Threads.Atomic{Int}(0)
Threads.@thread fors x in xs
Threads.atomic_add!(acc, x + 1)
Locks and atomics help you write correct concurrent programs when used appropriately. However, they do so by limiting parallel execution. Using data parallel pattern is the easiest way to get high performance.
with @reduce() do
@reduce() do
syntax is the most flexible way in FLoops.jl for expressing custom reductions. It is very useful when one variable can influence other variable(s) in reduction (e.g., index and value in the example below). Note also that @reduce
can be used multiple times in the loop body. Here is a way to compute findmin
and findmax
in parallel:
@floop for (i, x) in pairs([0, 1, 3, 2])
@reduce() do (imin = -1; i), (xmin = Inf; x)
if xmin > x
xmin = x
imin = i
@reduce() do (imax = -1; i), (xmax = -Inf; x)
if xmax < x
xmax = x
imax = i
@show imin xmin imax xmax
imin = 1
xmin = 0
imax = 3
xmax = 3
@test (imin, xmin, imax, xmax) == (1, 0, 3, 3)
We can understand the computation of @floop
roughly by ignoring the lines with @reduce() do
and corresponding end
. More concretely:
Extract expressions accumulator = initial_value
("initializers") from (accumulator = initial_value; input)
or (accumulator; input)
and put them in front of the for
Remove @reduce() do ...
and corresponding end
imin2 = -1 # -+
xmin2 = Inf # | initializers
imax2 = -1 # |
xmax2 = -Inf # -+
for (i, x) in pairs([0, 1, 3, 2])
if xmin2 > x # -+
xmin2 = x # | do block bodies
imin2 = i # |
end # |
if xmax2 < x # |
xmax2 = x # |
imax2 = i # |
end # -+
@show imin2 xmin2 imax2 xmax2
imin2 = 1
xmin2 = 0
imax2 = 3
xmax2 = 3
@test (imin2, xmin2, imax2, xmax2) == (1, 0, 3, 3)
The above computation is used for each partition of the input collection and combined by the reducing function defined by @reduce()
block. That is to say, (imin2_right, xmin2_right, imax2_right,
is combined into (imin2_left, xmin2_left, imax2_left,
if xmin_left > xmin_right
xmin_left = xmin_right
imin_left = imin_right
if xmax_left < xmax_right
xmax_left = xmax_right
imax_left = imax_right
Remark: Observe that x
and i
of the first @reduce() do
block are replaced with xmin_right
and imin_right
while x
and i
of the second @reduce() do
block are replaced with xmax_right
and imax_right
. This is why we used two @reduce() do
blocks; we need to "pair" x
with xmin
or with xmax
depending on which if
block we are in.
with Folds.reduce
(tedious!)Note that it is not necessary to use @floop
for writing a custom reduction. For example, you can write an equivalent code with Folds.reduce
(imin3, xmin3, imax3, xmax3) = Folds.reduce(
((i, x, i, x) for (i, x) in pairs([0, 1, 3, 2]));
init = (-1, Inf, -1, -Inf)
) do (imin, xmin, imax, xmax), (i1, x1, i2, x2)
if xmin > x1
xmin = x1
imin = i1
if xmax < x2
xmax = x2
imax = i2
return (imin, xmin, imax, xmax)
@assert (imin3, xmin3, imax3, xmax3) == (imin, xmin, imax, xmax)
@test (imin3, xmin3, imax3, xmax3) == (imin, xmin, imax, xmax)
However, as you can see, it is much more verbose and error-prone (e.g., the initial values and the variables are declared in different place).
and reduce
are useful when combining pre-existing operations. For example, we can easily implement histogram by combining mapreduce
, Dict
, and mergewith!
str = "dbkgbjkahbidcbcfhfdeedhkggdigfecefjiakccjhghjcgefd"
f1 = mapreduce(x -> Dict(x => 1), mergewith!(+), str)
Dict{Char, Int64} with 11 entries:
'f' => 5
'd' => 6
'e' => 5
'j' => 4
'h' => 5
'i' => 3
'k' => 4
'a' => 2
'c' => 6
'g' => 6
'b' => 4
Note that this code has a performance problem: Dict(x => 1)
allocates an object for each iteration. This is bad in particular in threaded Julia code because it frequently invokes garbage collection. To avoid this situation, we can replace Dict
with MicroCollections.SingletonDict
which does not allocate the dictionary in the heap. SingletonDict
can be "upgraded" to a Dict
by calling BangBang.mergewith!!
. It will then create a mutable object for each task to mutate. We can then compose an efficient parallel histogram operation:
using BangBang: mergewith!!
using MicroCollections: SingletonDict
f2 = Folds.mapreduce(x -> SingletonDict(x => 1), mergewith!!(+), str)
@assert f1 == f2
@test f1 == f2
(For more information, see Transducers.jl's ad-hoc histogram tutorial.)
Let's compute the histogram of collatz_stopping_time
over some range of initial values. Unlike the histogram example above, we know that the stopping time is a positive integer. So, it makes sense to use an array as the data structure that maps a bin (index) to a count. There is no pre-defined reducing function like mergewith!
we can use. Fortunately, it is easy to write it using @reduce() do
syntax in @floop
using FLoops
using MicroCollections: SingletonDict
maxkey(xs::AbstractVector) = lastindex(xs)
maxkey(xs::SingletonDict) = first(keys(xs))
function collatz_histogram(xs, executor = ThreadedEx())
@floop executor for x in xs
n = collatz_stopping_time(x)
n > 0 || continue
obs = SingletonDict(n => 1)
@reduce() do (hist = Int[]; obs)
l = length(hist)
m = maxkey(obs) # obs is a Vector or SingletonDict
if l < m
# Stretch `hist` so that the merged result fits in it.
resize!(hist, m)
fill!(view(hist, l+1:m), 0)
# Merge `obs` into `hist`:
for (k, v) in pairs(obs)
@inbounds hist[k] += v
return hist
As we discussed above, @reduce() do
blocks are used in two contexts; for the sequential base case and for combining the accumulated results from two base cases. Thus, for combining hist_left
and hist_right
, we need to substitute hist_right
to obs
. This is why we need to handle the cases where obs
is a SingletonDict
and a Vector
. Thanks to multiple dispatch, it is very easy to absorb the difference in the two containers. We can just use what Base
defines for pairs
and only need to define maxkey
for absorbing the remaining difference.
@reduce() do (Lโ = Iโ; Rโ), (Lโ = Iโ; Rโ), ..., (Lโ =
Iโ; Rโ)
, make sure that the do
block body can handle arbitrary possible value of Lแตข
substituted to Rแตข
and not just Rแตข
s that are calculated directly in the for
loop body.Example usage:
using Plots
plt = plot(
xlabel = "Stopping time",
ylabel = "Counts",
label = "",
size = (450, 300),
We use @floop executor for ...
syntax so that it is easy to switch between different kind of execution mechanisms; i.e., sequential, threaded, and distributed execution:
hist1 = collatz_histogram(1:1_000_000, SequentialEx())
hist2 = collatz_histogram(1:1_000_000, ThreadedEx())
hist3 = collatz_histogram(1:1_000_000, DistributedEx())
@assert hist1 == hist2 == hist3
@test hist1 == hist2 == hist3
For example, we can easily compare the performance of sequential and threaded execution:
julia> @btime collatz_histogram(1:1_000_000, SequentialEx());
220.022 ms (9 allocations: 13.81 KiB)
julia> @btime collatz_histogram(1:1_000_000, ThreadedEx());
58.271 ms (155 allocations: 60.81 KiB)
and @distributed
Julia itself has Threads.@threads
macro for threaded for
loop and @distributed
macro for distributed for
loop. They are adequate for simple use cases but come with some limitations. For example, @threads
does not have built-in reducing function support. Although @distributed
macro has reducing function support, it is limited to pre-defined functions and it is tedious to handle multiple variables. Both of these macros only have simple static scheduler and lacks an option like basesize
supported by FLoops.jl and Folds.jl to tune load balancing. Furthermore, the code written with @threads
cannot be reused for @distributed
and vice versa.
Hopefully, this tutorial covers a bare minimum for you to start writing data-parallel programs and the documentations of FLoops.jl and Folds.jl are now a bit more accessible. These two libraries are based on the protocol designed for Transducers.jl which also contains various tools for data parallelism.
Transducers.jl's parallel processing tutorial covers a similar topic with explanations for more low-level details. Parallel word count tutorial based on Guy L. Steele Jr.'s 2009 ICFP talk is more advanced but I find it a very good example to follow for understanding what is possible with a clever design of the reducing function.
Note that ideas presented in this tutorial are very general and should be applicable also when using other libraries. For example, the idea of custom reduction is useful in GPU computing when using mapreduce
on CuArray
See also: