How to write transducers
don't export public interface for implementing transducers (and reducible collections). Let's import some handy ones:
using Transducers
using Transducers: Transducer, R_, next, inner, xform
Stateless transducer
Let's write manually what opcompose(Filter(x -> x isa Int), Map(x -> x + 1))
would do:
struct AddOneIfInt <: Transducer end
function{AddOneIfInt}, result, input)
if input isa Int
Output input + 1
is passed to the "inner" reducing step:
next(inner(rf), result, input + 1)
Filtering out is done by "doing nothing"; return result
-so-far as-is:
Ineed, for integer collection, it increments input by one:
collect(AddOneIfInt(), 1:5)
5-element Vector{Int64}: 2 3 4 5 6
Non integer elements are filtered out:
collect(AddOneIfInt(), Any[3, nothing, 2.0, missing, 5])
2-element Vector{Int64}: 4 6
Stateful transducer
is a stateless transducer which is very easy to implement. A stateful transducer needs a bit more code.
using Transducers: start, complete, wrap, unwrap, wrapping
using Random
Let's define a transducer that spits out a random past element from the buffer:
struct RandomRecall <: Transducer
RandomRecall() = RandomRecall(3, 0)
A stateful transducer needs to implement Transducers.start
to "allocate" its private state. Here, the private state is a buffer
and a random number generator state rng
function Transducers.start(rf::R_{RandomRecall}, result)
buffer = []
rng = MersenneTwister(xform(rf).seed)
private_state = (buffer, rng)
return wrap(rf, private_state, start(inner(rf), result))
Stateful transducer needs to unwrap its private state inside
and then re-wrap it. There is a helper function Transducers.wrapping
does that with the do
function{RandomRecall}, result, input)
wrapping(rf, result) do (buffer, rng), iresult
Pickup a random element to be passed to the inner reducing function. Replace it with the new incoming one in the buffer:
if length(buffer) < xform(rf).history
push!(buffer, input)
iinput = rand(rng, buffer)
i = rand(rng, 1:length(buffer))
iinput = buffer[i]
buffer[i] = input
Call the inner reducing function. Note that iresult
unwrapped by Transducers.wrapping
must be passed to next
iresult = next(inner(rf), iresult, iinput)
return (buffer, rng), iresult
Any transducer with custom Transducers.start
must have a corresponding Transducers.complete
. It is responsible for unwrapping the result
and call the complete
for the inner reducing function.
function Transducers.complete(rf::R_{RandomRecall}, result)
_private_state, inner_result = unwrap(rf, result)
return complete(inner(rf), inner_result)
Here is how it works:
collect(RandomRecall(), 1:5)
5-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 2 3 4
Indeed, it picks up some random elements from the past elements. With slightly more complex transducer:
1:100 |> Filter(isodd) |> RandomRecall() |> Filter(x -> x > 10) |> Take(5) |> collect
5-element Vector{Int64}: 11 13 15 19 17
Note that Transducers.complete
can do more than unwrap
and complete
. It is useful for, e.g., flushing the buffer.
function Transducers.complete(rf::R_{RandomRecall}, result)
(buffer, _), iresult = unwrap(rf, result)
for x in buffer
Note that inner next
can be called more than one time inside next
and complete
iresult = next(inner(rf), iresult, x)
for inner reducing function must be called exactly once:
return complete(inner(rf), iresult)
This then adds 3 (= RandomRecall().history
) more elements to the output:
collect(RandomRecall(), 1:5)
8-element Vector{Int64}: 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 5
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